A downloadable game

A Local multiplayer 4-player game. It’s Capture the flag, with a "climb-the-tower" spin. The tower can be rotated by flipping switches floating on the sides of the tower. You can force-pulse other players off the platform or knock them back with a sword. It creates a kind of "lobsters in a bucket" free-for-all where everyone is trying to impede the others from reaching the top and claiming a flag.

This originated as a board game I designed with 2 of my classmates.  We chatted a bit about taking it digital and I ran with it and adapted the design to make it real-time instead of turn-based.  This is the result of my solo efforts.  

Chosen for exhibition for the 2018 USC Games Expo

Hang on to the flag and make it to the top of the tower for a shower of coins/points.


Plays on Gamepads only.  Players populate based on gamepads connected to your computer before the game is launched(Up to 4).

Controls(Using Xbox layout as reference, should work with all controllers, just refer to the labeling on xbox)

D-pad = Movement

Jump/Double Jump = A

Right Bumper = Swing Sword (Knockback player and knocks flags from their hands)

Left Bumper = Pulse Push (Launch nearby players off the ledge/screen!)


FlagsOfMyEnemies.zip 19 MB

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